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AlphaFold Wiki - Supported by Bozitao Zhong

If we divided AlphaFold into 2 main parts: CPU part and GPU part, we can also call the CPU part as feature/preprocessing part. In this part, AlphaFold did MSA (multiple sequence alignment), template searching and build the feature.pkl file for further neural network inference. In following pages, we will call this part as feature part for this name demonstrate the purpose of this pipeline.

Why did we want to know detail of feature part? If we want to modify AlphaFold pipeline, or we want to accelerate it, or for some different applications for further usage, the easiest way the achieve these jobs is modify feature part.

Up to now, we already know that the modification of feature part can achieve:

Output: feature.pkl file

Feature file is different in monomer model and multimer model (maybe monomer and monomer_ptm models are same)

These model have common parts:

Monomer model have these keys specifically:

Multimer model have these keys specifically:

In monomer model, feature file contains these parts:

In multimer model, feature file contains these parts: